Week 11 was spent mainly on the beach, around the pool and drinking sangria. Not the ideal preparation for a half marathon in the rain! As the only exercise what-so-ever I did this week was the Reading Half Marathon I'm going to have to blog about it in-depth! Well the best bit was that we got Mizuno VIP passes. That was amazing. The weather was atrocious and we were soaked walking from the car park to the race village but luckily we got to go into a warm, dry hotel to drop off our bags and the best bit was that it had real toilets - whoo hoooo! We were a little late getting to the start and it took practically 20 mins to cross the start line. I was frozen and soaked to the skin before starting. The first 8 miles was ok but then I got jabbed in the face by a disgruntled passer-by who was having a disagreement with a marshal. He didn't mean too but he was jabbing his finger and my face got in the way. So by 10 miles I was frozen, fed up, had a sore eye and my legs started to cramp. I had a miserable last 3 miles but on the bright side, I was 1 minute faster than Brighton (I moaned that Brighton was too hot and now Reading was too wet - obviously I am never satisfied). The finish was in the stadium but they ran out of space blankets but again lucky VIP me, I got to go into the warm, dry hotel to get my dry clothes on and have my free commemorative race photo. I obviously looked gorgeous after about 3 hours in the race (and the jab don't forget) and I'd just like to say it was the photographer who suggested the thumbs up!
We also got Mizuno water bottles, bum bags and t-shirts. I do love my Mizuno Wave Riders.
Tuesday - Beach
Thursday - Beach
Saturday - Run Director at Crane parkrun
Sunday - Half Marathon - 13.1 miles
Total miles 13.1
Total marathon miles 230.6
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