Sunday, 31 March 2013

Week 13

This was a week of two halves (as they say in football), with the first half sitting on the sofa eating way too much chocolate and drinking way too much wine whilst recovering from my op.  I had to rest for 5 days so on Thursday (nearly 4 days rest) I went to Pilates.  You may recall from an earlier blog that I actually hate Pilates but this time was ok.  We got to use poles which you hook around your feet.  I think I did it wrong as usual because I didn't ache at all the next day!  The second half of the week, Friday, Saturday and Sunday I ran loads!  Sunday was the best run as the sun came out and everyone in the world was happy.  We also saw most people in the world whilst out on our run and Deirdre took photos around the route, so here is our 15 mile Easter Sunday route courtesy of Mrs I:

We went down to Richmond Lock (1.5miles)
Along the tow path to Richmond and then Twickenham (we saw Kirsty along by Marble Hill Park)
From Twickenham we followed the river to Strawberry Hill
We then went into Bushy Park (where we saw Jo SH), Sharon, Mark, Linda, Katrina and Jackie.
From Bushy Park we went through Hampton Hill to Crane Park (11 miles).
And we bumped into the lovely Heather who took this photo of us
We had a bit of an adventure in Crane Park trying some paths we'd never tried before.  We then ran the 1.3 miles home bumping into the lovely Annie in Whitton High Street.  It took us ages to cover our 15 miles because we had to keep stopping to chat!!
Friday: 10 miles
Saturday: Parkrun 3.1miles
Sunday: 15 miles
Total miles: 28.1
Total marathon miles: 291

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Week 12

This week is bloody freezing again!  My 20 mile LSR was cold and painful and I ended up running the last 6 on my own which was tough for good for me!  It took until Wednesday for my quads to recover from the Reading Half Marathon but the 5 miles on Thursday was nice and easy and I took the parkrun nice and steady.  It is really hard training in the snow, sleet, rain and wind.  I wonder what the chances are of a sudden change in the weather?  I am a bit worried that suddenly the 21st April will be a scorcher and I will die of heat exhaustion!!  Well I'm sitting on the sofa, my legs are aching but I'm happy.  It took about an hour for my lungs to recover though!!  Anyway, I'm planning on getting a cheeky 4 miles in tomorrow morning and a body pump class because I'm having an operation in the afternoon and I'm not sure how long it will take to recover.  Four weeks today and London will be over........  I get butterflies when I think about that!!!

Tuesday: Ham Cross Hill Session 4.2 miles
Thursday: 5 miles steady
Saturday: Parkrun 3.1 miles
Sunday: 20 miles LSR

Total miles: 32.3 miles

Total marathon miles to date 262.9
(2 spins, 1 pump and 15 miles cycled)

Monday, 18 March 2013

Week 11

Week 11 was spent mainly on the beach, around the pool and drinking sangria.  Not the ideal preparation for a half marathon in the rain!  As the only exercise what-so-ever I did this week was the Reading Half Marathon I'm going to have to blog about it in-depth!  Well the best bit was that we got Mizuno VIP passes.  That was amazing.  The weather was atrocious and we were soaked walking from the car park to the race village but luckily we got to go into a warm, dry hotel to drop off our bags and the best bit was that it had real toilets - whoo hoooo!  We were a little late getting to the start and it took practically 20 mins to cross the start line.  I was frozen and soaked to the skin before starting.  The first 8 miles was ok but then I got jabbed in the face by a disgruntled passer-by who was having a disagreement with a marshal.  He didn't mean too but he was jabbing his finger and my face got in the way.  So by 10 miles I was frozen, fed up, had a sore eye and my legs started to cramp.  I had a miserable last 3 miles but on the bright side, I was 1 minute faster than Brighton (I moaned that Brighton was too hot and now Reading was too wet - obviously I am never satisfied).  The finish was in the stadium but they ran out of space blankets but again lucky VIP me, I got to go into the warm, dry hotel to get my dry clothes on and have my free commemorative race photo.  I obviously looked gorgeous after about 3 hours in the race (and the jab don't forget) and I'd just like to say it was the photographer who suggested the thumbs up! 

We also got Mizuno water bottles, bum bags and t-shirts.  I do love my Mizuno Wave Riders.

Tuesday - Beach
Thursday - Beach
Saturday - Run Director at Crane parkrun
Sunday - Half Marathon - 13.1 miles

Total miles 13.1
Total marathon miles 230.6

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Week 10

I feel like a naughty schoolgirl bunking off class as I'm off to Spain in the morning and everyone else is heading to Worthing to run 20 miles!  On Thursday the absolutely lovely but evil Clare Gibson tortured me.  My foot was a bit sore and so she fixed me by making my whole leg sore.  She is a genius!! I must remember to do my exercises.  The runs this week were all fun and felt easy. 

I am packing my trainers but not too sure I'll be putting them on my feet.......

Tuesday - Out and back 6.1 miles
Thursday - 8.5 miles at marathon pace (ish)
Saturday - parkrun (plus a run there and back) - 6.3 miles
Total miles: 20.9

Total marathon miles to date 217.5
(2 spins, 1 pump and 15 miles cycled)

Monday, 4 March 2013

Week 9

This week I had the lurgy which wasn't much fun!  It's been cold but sunny so I shouldn't complain about the weather. My biggest problem this week has been breathing, which isn't brilliant at the best of times but with a cold and the cold weather I've struggled this week.  I did get a new PB on Saturday though, however Sunday was tough.  Deirdre is sticking with her Bath bun strategy and I think that I will be joining her from now on (maybe hot cross buns).  Someone in my house ate my very expensive GU Chomps, not that they're very tasty or anything but you do need something to keep you going on a long run.  I've learnt a few things this week:

  • My camel pack leaks if you hang it upside down and don't put the rubber seal on properly
  • Remember to check that I have my skins on the right side out (inside out not back to front!)
  • Don't leave very expensive Chomps in plain view of husband
  • Hot cross buns are much better on a LSR than cinnamon bagels
  • Running on a camber hurts my foot
I've decided to raise money for The British Heart Foundation.  My page is here and it links to this page so if you just came from my Virgin Money page HELLO and welcome to my blog!

It was a tough decision as there are so many worthy charities to choose from.

Anyway I'm looking forward to an easy week because I'm off to sunny Spain on Sunday (not ideal I know but I can't wait).

Tuesday - Selection of hills, 4.2 miles
Thursday - 7 miles at marathon pace
Saturday - parkrun PB!!!!
Sunday - LSR 17 miles - ouch

Total miles run: 31.3 - biggest weekly mileage so far.
Total marathon miles: 196.6

(22 miles cycled, 2 spin sessions, 1 pump)